Thursday, April 12, 2007

  1. I choose Track as my best introspective photographer shot.
  2. I choose i love soccer as the best first person documentary shot.
  3. I choose daycare as the best narrated documentary shot.
Good white space

Good text

Good art

Good photo

Thursday, April 05, 2007

sorrounding I think that this pic is a good pic for sourrounding photo because it expliands everything about the school just by looking at it.

I choose this picture because it is the light coming throught the window and
shinning on the tile and wall giving it a glow effect.
Angle and shapes Because the angle of a right triangle is presented in this picture.
That is why i choose this pic

Monday, March 26, 2007

I choose this picture becaue it has the perfect
framing and it shows the whole view and the lighting is in the right shots
of the shot and the detail of the of the sitting and the stage light

Friday, January 26, 2007

My portraits
If a portrait of someone else
Her name is ( )she is tall, smart, and playful.
it is going to be in environmental shot.
i am going to shot her doing what she does best as i think it's gymnastic

Friday, January 12, 2007

1. Choose the portrait you like the most, and write the photo number.

2. Briefly describe the photo. What is the CVI? Is it a formal portrait, an informal portrait, or something else?

3. Form- What are the major composition techniques used in this photo, and how are they used?LIGHTING ON THEIR FACE AND THE EMOTION ON THEIR
4. Content - What are the eye positions, and how does this affect the photo? Describe the lighting.LOOKING AT THE STRIGAH AT THE LENS LIKE IN A STYLE OF FOCUS

5. Expression- What is happening in this photo that makes this moment "decisive?"

6. Read the caption, and explain one thing that is interesting about the person / scene.

Friday, October 27, 2006

first :they pushed her hair back.
Second: they made her neck smaller and more narrow.
Third: they move her eyebrows upwards,
Fourth: they made her shoulders move upward close to her face.

If you were asking for my opinion about changing someone face in a picture would say that it is not ethically ok to make changes to someone face I say they should leave it how it was in the first place.

I say if someone wont to have there face changed go right ahead.

Monday, October 23, 2006

thats my arm

thats my arm
Originally uploaded by vernonmims_16.