Friday, October 27, 2006

first :they pushed her hair back.
Second: they made her neck smaller and more narrow.
Third: they move her eyebrows upwards,
Fourth: they made her shoulders move upward close to her face.

If you were asking for my opinion about changing someone face in a picture would say that it is not ethically ok to make changes to someone face I say they should leave it how it was in the first place.

I say if someone wont to have there face changed go right ahead.

Monday, October 23, 2006

thats my arm

thats my arm
Originally uploaded by vernonmims_16.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

dead people

dead people
Originally uploaded by vernonmims_16.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


What does the quantity of light entering the camera affect:
The possible outcome of the picture being to dark or to light
Possible Shutter speeds?
Possible depth of field?

More light more contrast

What is soft (difused) light?
indoor light , spread out light
What type of source does it come from?
Flash is not direct
What effect does it have?
soft and low light
What is hard (direct) light?
concentraded light comes directly from the sorce

What type of source does it come from?
spot light and stage light
What effect does it have?
make the picture have more detail
DirectionWhat is front light good for?

What is front light bad for?

What is side light good for?
Adding depth
What is side light bad for?
taking away depth
What is back light good for?

What is a possible problem with back light

Monday, October 02, 2006


Originally uploaded by vernonmims_16.
This pictrue was set on auto so the shutter speed set itself to below 60 and it kept the shutter open to long and made the pic blurry?